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Regardless of Race

Regardless of Race Regardless of race Every race is Born with red blood Born with the same organs Born with hearts Born with souls and spirits Every race is Born with red blood Born with the same organs Born with hearts Born with souls and spirits Every race is Born with red blood Born with […]

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Turtles’ Life Challenges

Throughout my research, we can understand more about turtles. Does turtles have teeth article was my early findings. Baby turtles are born with a ‘hatchling tooth’ or ‘egg tooth’. It is a tooth for them to break open their eggs. After they are out of their eggs, they lose this tooth soon. This is their […]

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Journey from Nest to Sea Illustration Process

Process The illustration idea focused on sea turtles’ hatchlings and predators section at the Green Sea Turtle National Geographic article. In the beginning, the article title was ‘turtle hatchling and predators’. However, the title sounds dull to me. So I drop the title idea. It is an interesting fact to read crab and seagulls eat […]

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Journey from Nest to Sea

Do you ever wonder about turtles’ hatchlings challenges? green sea turtle article explains their birth process and challenges as well. Female turtles leave the sea and return to the beach their mothers hatch them. They dig the sand with their flippers to create a pit. Hatch 100 to 200 eggs. Return to the sea. Under […]

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Baby Turtles’ First Life Challenge

Based on my previous article about Turtle Babies, we can learn more about the baby turtle’s first life challenge. BBC Earth Green Turtle’s Battle for survival video shows their instant challenge. Once baby turtles crack out of their eggs, they return to their mothers’ ocean. Crawling on the sands Leaving tiny footprints onto the dry […]

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A pregnant turtle

I’m surprised for an ex-colleague is inspired by my turtle mascot. Thus, he writes the following poetry. I have asked his permission whether he is fine to put his name in his written poetry. He is fine with it.

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Why do the Chinese love ? turtle?

Recently, I am intrigued by the nature and characteristics of the turtle. Suddenly, there are some flashbacks of childhood memories. A cake with tortoise design was bought for celebrating my grandparents’ birthday. Thus, I check about the turtle more. Before and during the Song dynasty, turtle represents longevity and long life. However, turtle soup is […]

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AFCC Super Short Story A Tiny Heart

Win AFCC 2017 Super Short Story Award. I submit this personal story for the AFCC 2017 Super Short Story. It is submitted to AFCC Facebook page. For a direct link, please kindly go to my facebook page or by clicking on the photo link or click the above photo.

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