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Tag Archives | Ocean

Atlantic Bigeye Sixgill Shark Illustration Process

Process Based on my previous Atlantic Bigeye Sixgill Shark research article, it is a newfound species. How does the shark feel when being satellite-tagged? Does it moves carefully? Does it feel uneasy to move? Does it attempt to sway away from the satellite tag from its tail? They may feel slight pain when their tissue sample […]

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Atlantic Bigeye Sixgill Shark

Based on my previous turtles’ predators illustration process article, I begin to do more research on sharks. So that I can illustrate it better. During the research, a picture of a hand-held baby shark attracts my attention. It is about a newfound shark species. The image led me to the Florida Tech Professor of the […]

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Turtles’ Predators

In Avoid Sharks BBC video, we can learn new discovery about our lovely turtles. Unexpectedly, sharks are turtle’s predators. Turtle has a strong shell which cannot be bitten. They pulled to hide their bodies in their shells for self-protection. The night is the most dangerous time for turtles especially if there are sharks swimming around. […]

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Ocean where Turtle lives

In BBC Power of Tide video, we can listen that the ocean has the rhythm that the land doesn’t have. According to them, animals can detect tides with perfect accuracy. Our lovely sea turtle is swimming peacefully. They feel that the sea gives hope. It has the most infinite ability to regenerate but also extremely […]

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Baby Turtles’ First Life Challenge

Based on my previous article about Turtle Babies, we can learn more about the baby turtle’s first life challenge. BBC Earth Green Turtle’s Battle for survival video shows their instant challenge. Once baby turtles crack out of their eggs, they return to their mothers’ ocean. Crawling on the sands Leaving tiny footprints onto the dry […]

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