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Atlantic Bigeye Sixgill Shark Illustration Process

Process Based on my previous Atlantic Bigeye Sixgill Shark research article, it is a newfound species. How does the shark feel when being satellite-tagged? Does it moves carefully? Does it feel uneasy to move? Does it attempt to sway away from the satellite tag from its tail? They may feel slight pain when their tissue sample […]

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Turtles’ Predators Illustration Process

Process I have watched Avoid Sharks BBC video and wrote research. In summary, based on the new found research, when there is a shark, the turtles will hide and keep still. During night time, turtles have to do careful dance around the sharks in order to run away from them. Thus, this illustration focus […]

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Hygiene Station Illustration Process

Process I was doing research about turtle to understand about them better. Then I stumbled upon Turtle Spa BBC video mentioned in my Turtle Shower article. The little fishes attract my attention to do research on them. The more I do research on them, I have a better understanding of them. Imagining them cleaning the turtle’s […]

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