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Turtles Eat Watermelon Illustration Process


In the beginning, I learn to use ProCreate app to draw digitally during the Apple Workshop. The teacher teaches everyone to draw watermelon. From basic shapes, base colour and the rendering process. While I was compiling my drawing process, and create the title, my mind began to question the turtle’s main staple as shared in my What is Turtle’s Diet research article.

Watermelon - Illustration

Watermelon – Illustration

However, adding background is a challenge. A background will give the context of the story for this particular yummy and sweet watery watermelon. Hence, I begin research on kitchen walls. Suddenly, I feel like an interior designer. After my observation, I begin to think to create a kitchen wall that resembles the turtles’ hexagon pattern design shell. Since my research is about turtles, creating and designing the environment need to fit the turtles.

Finally, my baby turtle character comes into the picture. What type of message to portray about the turtle? Should the turtle be eating the watermelon? Or where is the turtle going to be positioned? What will be the main focus of the picture? Of course, the turtle and the watermelon. In the end, I choose to portray the baby turtle finds the newfound tasty and sweet fruits. Watermelon! It chooses to bring the watermelon back to its own house to share with his family members.

Watermelon and Turtle

Watermelon and Turtle

Another challenge is to find or even create a background music for the whole video process. Every little notes, beats and rhythm can evoke different emotions. I also begin to identify the feelings I would like to give. Is this text alone enough? Should I document it into a video? Do I need to explain my process in the video? This is my dilemma. According to my personal experiences with people, different people have different needs and expectations.

In conclusion, I choose not to put the video due to time constraints.


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