DawnThe Dark purple night Fades towards the Coming sun Below the morning horizon Dawn is your _____________ .
Archive | Greetings
Midnight is your
Darkness fill the sky All silence Morning animals sleep Nocturnal animals awake Midnight is your ____________.
Night is your
The sun hides The moon smiles in the sky Radiates night light in the dark sky Night is your ________________________.
Happy Fathers’ Day
Happy Fathers’ Day Turtle father and I would like to wish everybody Happy Mothers’ Day.
Dusk The sun sets Scatter its last light The day says goodbye Welcome the night Dusk is your_______________________.
Twilight Diffused lights Purple and pink sky Magical temporary moment Awaiting the sunrise Twilight is your_____________________.
Happy Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine DayWish Family members Close Friends Friends Beloved ones And last but not least Ourselves Happy Valentine’s Day
新年快樂 Happy Chinese New Year 2019
新年快乐 Happy New Year 2019新年快樂Happy Chinese New Year 2019
Soon is
Soon isA season is coming soon Soon is?
Today is
Today isWhat is your day? How are you feeling? Capsti Monster is giving you a smile. Look for me at the Turtle City Cavity Monsters Picture Book.