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CloudsCloud after cloudMoulded togetherForm similar and distinctive shapestogetherUncountable misty foamsBright day shows its lightnessNight shows its greynessClouds

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WindA sun‘s uneven heat onto the earthCreate air movementColourless airInvisible to the eyesOdourless gasAir pressure blows from a different directionHigh-pressure air manoeuvre to an area of low pressurePressure difference leads to airspeedUnpredictable forceThe wind

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End of the dayIn the darkened skyMany lit of bright lightsTiny from the eyesightFive-pointed trianglesTogether surrounds the moonEmit light to the dark worldThe star

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A traveling electromagnetic radiation wavesAt a constant speed of 300,000 kilometers per secondIt circles our earth 7.5 times in one secondIts traveling path bends from one medium to anotherAir to waterBlocked by shadowsreflected by mirrorAbsorbed when a stone is heated by infrared light from the SunIn HebrewThroughout centuriesSaturdayA day of rest from all toil

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