Snow falls in the night sky Dark blue turns lighter Awaiting the coming sun A glimpse on the faint orange light Nocturnal animals sleep A moment of silence Dawn is my ___________________________ Before the rooster crows Before the birds chirp.
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Midnight is my
dThe dark is not blackObserve and admireA dark blue turn into an indigo skyBirds chirp no moreIn the silent midnight skyHear the wind cooAll leaf breeze gentlyMidnight is my_________________________________.
Here is my?
Here is myLife is here to liveLive life to the full hereHere is this life is my________________________?
Now is my
Past is my?What is your purpose in my life?Because of?What do you do?What do I do?Where am I?Where are you now?Now is my ________________?
Later is my
Later is your?What is my purpose in your life?Where am I?Where are you in the hustle bustle of my life? Past is my?Because of?Later is my ________________?Future is my?
Past is my
Past is your? Because of? What do I do? Silently energetic of own work In the hustle bustle of life Where are you? Things happened quickly Past is my ________________?
Future is my
What do I do?What is my purpose?Where am I?Where are you?Future is my ________________?
Later is your
IntentionsAccidentsIncidentsSituationsActions with thoughtfulnessEither reactions or responsesPast is your ________________Earlier is your ________________All on the weighing scaleNow is your ________________Later is your?________________.(more…)
Past is your
PerspectivesEventsThoughtsSituationsActionsResponsesGood and badRights and wrongsOn the weighing scalePast is your?________________________________________________.
Earlier is your
Upheaval situationsPressures toSwift decisionsA door opensEnter into the doorUnexpected things happenThe door says goodbyeFeeling lostAnother endless cycles of doors and lostEarlier is your?________________________________________________.