中国农历新年快乐 2021Happy Chinese Lunar New Year 2021
Morning Time
View the scenicCelestial bluish gradient sky coloursTransition through the Lapis LazuliTowards bright lemonEarly animals arise to hunt for foodEvery bird catch the wormsAdults go to workChildren enter their schoolFeeding their youngThe early sun rays strengthen bonesLet the morning brings you joy
The cycle of the dawn time
Observe the beautifulGradient sky coloursTransition from Lapis LazuliTo celestial blue skyTransition from celestial blue skyTo the dark tangerine skyEvery rooster arises and crowsEvery bird chirp with enthusiasmWelcoming the early new daySavour the peaceful dawn atmosphereThis is our dawn time
Year 2021 4W1H
Year 2021
New Year 2021
Christmas Blessings 2020
The dark nightGlows the brightest snowMarking the end of the yearPouring Christmas blessings toYou and meEverybodyWith digital party streamers
Printed Books
Touch and feel the paperFlipping through the pages of everyConcept visual storiesSpark into the eyesConcept written storiesSpark into the eyesThe eyes to the window of the soulWhat is more in physical books?
Charge the deviceTouch and touchEndless tappingTapping leftTapping rightUnstoppable irisRolling left and right repetitivelyScrutinize every wordsUntil . . .The battery is drained away?
The cycle of the time
From dawn to your morningFrom my morning to your afternoonFrom my afternoon to duskFrom my dusk to my eveningFrom your evening to my nightFrom my night to your midnightFrom my midnight to my dawnAn endless cycleThis is the cycle of time