In the blue ocean Enjoying your presence Feel the warmth of your breath Your warm hugs with me Suddenly disappears Playing hide and seek with you Swim across stones Lost among the stones Where am I? ________________.
Author Archive | tienny
Interview on Muse Rose Gold Creative Award in Portfolio Showreel Video 2019
Besides winning Muse Rose Gold Creative Award in Portfolio Showreel Video, I feel so privileged for them to interview me, which is featured at Muse World.
Who Are You?
Who Are You?At first meeting Your existence Interacting with you Listen to your every feelings Observe your postures Enjoy your companionship You makes me wonder Who are you? ________________.
Who Am I?
Who Am I?Unaware of own birthHere on earth I breathe continuously Observe my environment Interacting and socializing Life is a mystery I wonder and wonder Who am I? ________________.
Turtle City: Cavity Monsters Storytelling Time at Tampines Regional Library
Tampines Regional LibraryJoin Tienny for a storytelling time at Tampines Regional Library.More details at GoLibrary.
Turtle City: Cavity Monsters Storytelling Time at Toa Payoh Public Library
Join Tienny for a storytelling time at Toa Payoh Public Library. Toa Payoh Public LibraryMore details at GoLibrary.
Because of
Because ofContinuous occurrence of Events and situations In everyday life Welcome us Because of __________________________.
Flying Utopias Paper Fold Balloon
Last Tuesday (20 August 2019), I went to my class. A stack of floating utopia paper fold catches my attention. I looked into it and saw the answers were folded behind every question. Was it a sequel of the FieldTrip for the Floating Utopias exhibition at ArtScience museum? Flying Utopia Paper FoldThe paper fold was […]
Today is your
TodayToday isToday is your
Here is your
Here Here is Here is your ________________.