Observing our party streamersAnticipating theGlowing snow shinesBrightly in the dark nightAs it is reachingThe end of the yearShowering Christmas blessingstoAll of you
Author Archive | tienny
CometsPlanets, and Asteroids,Orbit around this white centerOf the solar system in the milky way galaxyBeing one of the special brightest spherical objectWith its size is 109 times bigger than earth’s diameter comprise ofTightly packed hydrogen gases in its 15,600,000° C boiling coreIts great pressured hydrogen gas transforms into heliumReleasing immense amount of energy emitsA low […]
EmptyAbsence of all lightDarkness in the deepNothingDarkness is your . . . ?Darkness is my . . . ?Darkness is our . . . ?
The seventh day of the weekSæturnesdægIn Anglo-SaxonsThe Saturn’s dayIn Old English wordDies LunaeIn LatinThe seventh day to restIn HebrewThroughout centuriesSaturday
The sixth-day of the weekThe Venus’s dayIn Old English wordFrīgedægIn LatinA day to complete chores and errandsA day of fellowshipIn HebrewThe sixth day of work or studyThrough current centuriesFridayThe sixth day of . . .
Interview with PitchMark Innovator Spotlight as Author/Illustrator of Turtle City: Cavity Monsters picture book
As an author/illustrator of Turtle City: Cavity Monsters picture book, I am feeling thankful for PitchMark to interview me and feature my artworks in their innovator spotlight, which is also available in the pdf version.Turtle City: Cavity Monsters picture book launch at Singapore Writers Festival 2018
The fifth-day week of the weekBaton passes to Anglo-SaxonsThe Jupiter’s dayIn RomansÞūnresdægIn Old English wordLast working day of the weekHappy ThursdayIn HebrewThe fifth day of all labourThroughout centuriesThursdayThe fifth day of work or study
The fourth day of labourWōdnesdægIn Anglo-SaxonsThe mercury’s dayIn Old English wordWōden’s dayIn LatinThe fourth day of the weekThe fourth day of work or studyThroughout centuriesWednesday
Turtle City Cavity Monsters Picture Book Trailer screened at Christian Film Festival on 22 May 2021
The team members behind the making of Turtle City: Cavity Monsters Picture Book Trailer, which were screened on 22 May 2021 at Christian Film Festival.
The third-day week as modern weekTīwesdægIn Anglo-SaxonsTwice goodIn HebrewThe third day of work or studyThroughout centuriesTuesdayThe third day of labours